Christian Business Referral Network

"Connecting the world with Christ Centered Businesses"

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Christian Business Referral Network Testimonials

what our customers have to say

Charles Smith - Kaphar Construction

"When I first decided to promote my roofing company with you I honestly didn't think I would get any business from it.  I mainly did it just to support your ministry, which I really do like.  However......I am very pleased to let you know that to my surprise, we are receiving many calls and just this week I got one of our largest jobs ever directly from advertising with you.  Plus the customer mentioned where she specifically picked up the directory and that she wanted to deal with a Christian owned & trusted company.  I am really pleased with the decision I made to support your ministry and to be a part of something that is changing lives."

Jamie Manuele - J & T Automotive

"I and my father, James Manuela, run J & T Automotive.  I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with your publication (The Christian Business Referral Guide) that you provide here in Yukon, Oklahoma. You even provided us with a small display of your Christian Business Guides for people to take. And you know what? People have been  taking them on a regular basis throughout the year. In fact a number of our new customers have actually mentioned seeing our ad that we run with you. So we're happy to be renewing our program again for your next issue. We really like what you stand for!"

Jeanne Pennington - Yukon Tag Agency

"I own Yukon Tag Agency in Yukon, OK and I am happy to let you know that people really LOVE your Christian Business Referral Guide you publish here for Canadian County. I know this because you provided a rack of the Guides at our tag agency this last year and even though you replenish it on a regular basis, I am amazed at how quickly it empty’s out.  I see your racks all over town in many other locations. In fact, in our Tag Agency, I’ve  observed many new out of town visitors coming in and taking one when they leave.  On a personal note, I have to say the ministry side of the directory is so powerful and I feel it’s really needed. I’m encouraging everyone to support its continued growth here in Yukon. I am so glad we have a resource like this and one that I am happy to continue supporting!

Andrea Wilson - Blenders Cafe'

"My husband and I own Blenders Cafe' in Edmond, OK.  We really like the ministry aspect the Christian Business Directory provides.  We have a rack of books in our restaurant and see people taking them all the time.  In fact, one day not long ago, I noticed a little girl take one of the books from the rack and hand it to her mother.  I was moved when I overheard her say......'Mommy, we need this book because I love Jesus too!'  I now appreciate the power of this directory even more after observing this.  It's obvious people of ALL ages appreciate this.  Thank you for providing the Christian Business Referral Network to our area"

Larry McMurray - McMurray & Associates Real Estate/Barron Tax Service

"I am happy to say that both of my companies, McMurray & Associates and Barron Tax Service, have been with The Christian Business Referral Network for several years now. I love the ministries they support through their own ministry and I am also happy to say that I know for a fact that my ads more than pay for themselves from the business I get as a direct result from the Christian Business Referral Guide. I know my rep, Brent Martin, cares about me and my businesses. Thank you for bringing Christian consumers and Christian businesses together through your Guide, Internet and Mobile products."

Teresa Foster - Advantage Septic Solutions

"We are very excited to be able to advertise in the Christian Business Referral Network again.  Last year we had several people call us who said they saw our ad directly from the Christian Guide and we are only expecting that number to grow as the book continues to grow."

Bryan Downs - Bryan's Moving

"This is my first year in the Christian Business Referral Network and I have had more people tell me they found me in your Guide than any other book I have been in.  This is such a great way to connect Christians with Christian consumers at very reasonable rates.  Thank you Integrity Publishing Solutions"

Carl Kalbfleisch - Bezeugen Ministries

"As a Christian consumer I am glad to have this Network to be able to find businesses that I can trust. It is a needed and valuable resource that our family uses. We like to be able to frequent Christian businesses.  We are also thankful for the ad provided for our ministry in several of the North Texas directories. We have received several calls from people who have connected with our ministry through the Christian Business Referral Network!"

Melanie Boyd - R & M Services

"My husband and I own R & M Services and last year we decided to promote our business in the Christian Business Referral Network. I just wanted you to know we were initially drawn to this unique ministry aspect of what you provide not really knowing what response we would actually get.  However, we are now looking forward to your next issue because I am happy to report that we've received quite a number of calls. I'm really surprised. It's been AMAZING! Thank you for what you're doing here in central Oklahoma."

Corey Newman - Christian Consumer

"I picked up one of your Guides a few months ago and I just want to say how thankful I am to know I have in my hand a list of Christian businesses.  I have used at least 3 businesses from your book already. In this day and age we need to support those businesses that are not ashamed to say they are Christians.  It seems that Christians are constantly being bashed in the media and I think it's time for Christians to support other Christians.  I love the book and your online site.  Could you please send me extra Wichita and Northwest Arkansas books?  Thanks again and God Bless!!"