Nikolei Rinaldi - Cutting Edge Countertops

"Our company first began using the Christian Business Referral Network in 2019.  I was skeptical to advertise, as we generally utilize 'word of mouth'.  Although we have advertised in the past to limited success.  So to my mind, it was an understandable hesitation.  I was swayed into giving it a shot by the good pricing, personable atmosphere and underlying principles of goodwill and faith."
"To my admitted surprise, we had great luck in referrals to our business.  Throughout the year customers came in to tell us that they were getting countertops because they had seen us in the Christian Business Referral Guide. In the many years that we have attempted to advertise, none have brought the return on investment that this has......Both in quality of customer and profitable return.  Beyond just monetary benefit, it has connected us with several memorable customers.  I highly recommend their service."